Why the difference? Well, I'm afraid none of us will know that answer until we meet our maker ourselves. I know the first thing I'd like to ask him is why? I'm so thankful that it wasn't us, but really, why them and not us? Is there a lottery up there in heaven? What good can come from letting a mother carry a precious baby daughter for 9 months and then claiming her for your own on her day of birth? My faith reminds me that there is indeed a greater purpose for us all, but to tell you the truth, I'm having a hard time relying on that faith today.
I cannot even bring myself to imagine the pain my friends are in. In fact it would be much easier to just put it out of my mind completely and celebrate our good fortune. What I don't want is to ever take for granted this wonderful gift God has chosen to share with us today. Obviously, we need to be thankful for every second we are given with our loved ones, because you never know when that time will end.
Rest in Peace little Aubrey Jane, I'll think of you often.
