Monday, April 14, 2014

My Big Brother

I just talked to Bill on the phone, and I'm beyond thrilled to say it really was my brother on the other end.  Not that heavily medicated, groggy, hurting beyond imagination man of the last two weeks.   When Mom and I visited 2 days ago, he was better than when he was still in the Trauma ICU, but he was still in a great deal of pain.  One of the Orthopedic Doctors came in while we were there and gave us a run down of his injuries.

1) broke three of the five metatarsal bones in his right foot, which
     they haven't repaired yet
2) broken right tibia with loss of bone, which will require a bone graft in
     the future
3) broken right distal femur just above the knee - they put a metal plate in
     to help stabilize it
4) severe soft tissue damage on back side of  his right calf - skin and muscle
     grafts were done

WOW.  That's a lot of hurting going on right there. 

Just now, on the phone he reported that he'd had an excellent day and reached several milestones, including:

    * The drains in his back were removed
    * He was able to stand on "one weak leg" as he put it, for the first time
    * The Physical Therapists (who he referred to on Saturday as the Crash
       Test Dummies) helped him get into a wheelchair and he was able to
       wheel himself around the nurses station a few times and then sit up
       in the chair for 1/2 hour.  (I think he's changed his opinion of the
       PTs now)
    * They were able to remove the nerve block that was helping ease
       some of the pain
    * He had them stop the IV pain medicine

So again, WOW!   That's more like a lot of HEALING going on!!  I told him he needs to call Mom so she can hear just how great he sounds.  I know how relieved she'll be when she hears his voice.  It sounds like he'll be leaving KUMC sometime this week, but we're not sure where he's headed.

He's still got a long road ahead before he's healed, but he's certainly headed in the right direction.  Thank you to each and every one of you who said a prayer, sent good thoughts, and continue to ask about him.  He's been overwhelmed by the response of so many friends. 

To my brave big brother, I just have to say I'm so proud of you, I love you and I'm really glad it wasn't your time to leave us!


  1. Yay! Glad to hear he's on the mend!

  2. Glad to hear that he's doing better. I'm not sure he will remember me, but let him know I am thinking of him. It will be nice if we can all see each other and get re-acquainted in May at the reunion.

