After being sick with the flu for 2 days, what is the one thing your body still needs but cannot give itself?
anyone.... anyone???? bueller????
Well considering it's 12:34 in the AM and I have to be up for work in something like 4 hours, the answer must be sleep. I've done nothing but for the last 48 hours, and I don't wanna do it anymore!
This flu, by the way, sucks. Well what flu doesn't you must be asking me. Uh, any flu that I don't get, that's what! Ok, that's not true. I did feel awful for all my friends and family when they started getting sick a week ago. Just not as bad as I felt when I got it! Ok, that's not true either. I do have a heart. And knowing my loved ones are suffering, well it doesn't feel so good either. Hopefully we're all over this crap. I'm the last one to get it (as far as I know) and we all stayed away from Mom, so if she gets sick, don't look at us!
Speaking of Mom, I've got the bad daughter guilts again. 2 weeks ago she asked me to "be on the lookout" for a couple of items. She mentioned that she didn't need them anytime soon, just whenever I had the chance. MOTHER! Have you met me? Do you not know after 52 (I just typed 53 -- I've got SORAS*!) years if you want me to do something you must give me a deadline? And it must be earlier than the ACTUAL deadline? So one of the last things I thought about before I got sick was that I need to get that stuff for mom. And then I didn't. She called me yesterday to see if I had her stuff yet. FAIL. So first thing tomorrow after work, I shall trudge my way to Walmart and buy anything and everything she needs and/or might need for the next month, so I can put the guilts away for a while.
While I'm there I guess I should start looking around for birthday gift ideas for a 3 year old! Can you believe my sweet little angel baby is going to be 3 in 3 short weeks? Where has the time gone?
and in just 6 weeks, we'll be debuting a new little gibby girl for all to see! Flu-schmoo. I've got too much to do to let that slow me down. However, this meema probably does need her sleep! Nighty night!
*SORAS for those of you who did not grow up watching soaps with their grannys: Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome

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