Happy Monday Everyone! That’s right. I said it. Happy Monday. And it is a happy Monday, for the most part. For more than one reason even! First of all, it means the weekend is over, which may normally not be a good thing, but believe me, today? It is. For some stupid reason I tried to relive my twenties and drank not once, not twice, but three days in a row. Don’t ask me what I was thinking. Actually, I think I’ll blame Erin. Afterall, she was present on 2 of the 3 days, and the third day we were drinking leftovers, so yeah I totally blame her. Erin! Stop being such a bad influence on your mommy! Heh heh
The second reason it’s a happy Monday is my office is quiet. As in no one is speaking. And today, trust me, that is a very good thing. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.
Third reason……… uh, hmmm….. stretching here….. it’s 4 days till payday? Oh wait! I KNOW! It’s raining! It rained all morning in Topeka. What? Did you forget I live on a FARM? Of course I’m excited for the rain. I just hope it’s raining down south too!
I’ve done some preliminary planning for the Bryson Family Vacation coming up. Got the hotel rooms booked in Beatrice and Hastings. You’d be surprised at how quickly hotels fill up for the farm show. It’s a BIG DEAL ya’ll! Still need to reserve the golf cart, so we don’t have to stand in line for hours waiting to get one. Although, as I recall those line jumpers got the evil eye and may have even feared for their lives a little last year. Of course since I won’t be looking at them this year, it will probably be ok! I’m especially excited this year, because our friends Rick and Mary and going to the farm show too. It’s more fun when you’ve got a girl to hang out with, not that there’s any girly things to do at the farm show. At least I won’t have to go pee by myself!
I’d like to find something else new and exciting to do while we’re in Nebraska, but I’m not sure there IS anything exciting to do in Nebraska! We always go through Pawnee City on the way up so we can stock up on wine and beer at our favorite winery, hence the hotel in Beatrice (closest town to pass out, err I mean sleep in). From there we go to Lincoln to stock up on stuff at Greg’s favorite surplus place. So between Lincoln and Hastings, there’s not much to see, unless we go out of our way a bit and Greg’s never too receptive to that idea. So if you know of anything awesome in Nebraska that we should check out, please share!
I do have some sad news to report. Mom finally made the difficult decision to put down her cat Spooky. She was 23 years old, suffering from kidney failure, had all but stopped eating and taking care of herself, and was nothing but skin and bones. Even though we knew it was the right decision, she kept second guessing herself. I’m hoping after a while, she might show some interest in getting another kitty. She won’t want a house cat – she’s never been a fan of litter boxes – but maybe we can get a cat that’s a year or two old that won’t run off and can defend itself against the coyotes and fox that live near her neighborhood. We’ve suggested getting a house dog in the past, but she doesn’t think she’s up to house training a dog, and doesn’t want the worries of leaving one in the house all day if she goes somewhere. I’m sure if she decides she needs some company, we’ll come up with something.